Sunday, August 31, 2008
12:41 AM
Today went to bunk with Kenneth. Supposed to meet at 12pm. But both of us overslept so in the end we met at 1.30 lol. So we played for awhile then Wx and YY came from dance to meet us. Until 4pm or so we went to eat at PS and I realised it was the exact same sequence we all met the first time. Such memorable day that is. So after eating dinner we went to shop around and we decided to eat supper (Katong Laksa) at the Dobby Xchange. Finish liao we sit around then suddenly Evi sms and ask us where we are and since they were near PS they gonna come and meet us. I was shocked, how come suddenly chose to meet. Somemore I didn't dress up properly or anything (I was also quite sick, felt like vomiting and tired) At first very shy, cos ya I dun look as good as my friendster (I mean I dun look very good in friendster either but aiya anyway) Scared she see me liao vomit blood lol.
So we after that since they haven't ate yet we decided to go Lau Pa Sah eat supper (for us is supper's supper) But Wx and YY had to go home so left us 4. Then at there we ordered quite alot of satays and prawns, they thought we couldn't finish but rest assured, Ken is here. Then Evi used my phone to take photos since her phone no batt lols. Wanted to post them here but nah, ltr she kill me lol. We decided to challenge see who can finish the most satays and prawns. So Ken vs us 3. He gobbled so damn fast x.x But in the end we won cos we decided 1 prawn = 5 satays and we hogged the prawns LOL. Finally finish supper liao we took cab home. Since we 3 stay west side we shared cab. Then that Pristine (Ayindee) said Im W-O-L-S. After awhile I still dunno wat is that then she say Im slow WALAO LOL. She's a funny person. Evi is a eh..... Hmmm I also dunno how to describe, attractive girl? I dunno, cos too shy le nvr talk too much so dunno her bleh x.x But can see they 2 very fun ppl. Maybe next time got wat outing or anything wun be too shy ba :D
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
12:23 AM
Today's the last exam. Kinda screwed it and wasted alot of marks. I didn't expect myself to be struggle with Econs. Guess when ur down, ur whole brain doesn't function properly either. I thought today would be a happy day since it's the start of the holidays. But I wasted 2hrs waiting for turn to see the doctor, and guess wat? The bone healed but the ligament is apart from the bone. Therefore I need another at least 3 mths b4 it completely heals. So now I can't jog, run, play tennis, rockclimbing or anything that creates an impact unto my sole that causes vibrations to my ankle. The only best sports I can do is cycling (and it so happens my bicycle is spoilt) -.-
When I reached home after buying convenience food from 7-11, I realised one packet was alrdy moldy -.- Then played audition but just dun have that feel and everyone's busy doing something.
I guess my first day of holiday is going to such waste. I dun have someone to go out with during holidays too, damn. The only outing I'm looking forward to would be the AIR steamboat.
Met a new friend today. She's also from MTY. Turns out she's a funny and erm, actually is ridiculously funny girl. Go check her out!!! Her name is Star. Cool right???? I find it cute siol LOL. She also gave me a new name - Babe. So I call her babe also, since she dun wan to be called cutecute or prettypretty ( I type also mafan ). Oh and she has alot of nice songs that is my type too! Those sad sad, romantic or happy happy songs. Not too heavy on the music but nice on the ears :D
Monday, August 25, 2008
1:37 AM
U noe I've been thinking. Wx was right. Maybe wat I do seems like joke or meant no harm to them since they knew me for a long time. But to people who just knew me, they probably think otherwise. I've been thinking abt it recently and maybe I may be alil mean and probably not on the good side. I've seen the changes of myself from wat I used to be till now. A funny and naive boy who wans nth but absolute fun and kindness to ppl around him. But now I'm just someone who thinks abt too much, trying to juggle between aspects of life, while ignoring ppl around me. There were ppl whom I nvr cherished until I realised they r gone. And now there r ppl who r going further if I dun cherish them too. Maybe I should change, for the better and into someone whom everyone loves to be with. I guess I've been ignorant and unbearable recently. But I'm going thru alot of stress currently. Not only with work, but family and emotional too. I may seem like a happy person and cracking jokes and comforting ppl, but I just dun wan ppl to cut into my life or pity or worry abt me. I hope u guys understand and forgive me for wat I've done. I mean no harm for anything I did. I'm sorry.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
9:54 PM
Today I shall post a very very delicious and tempting entry. *WARNING* It is not our responsiblilty that u drool over ur computer and damage it.
Meet Frank. He's a very nice (and utterly delicious) sausage who came out from the freezer. Initially, he's just cold and hard and absolutely pale. But thru Ken's culinary skills, he was (together with Frank's brother) in the frying pan and in hot water. Soaked throughly in spa for abt 10mins, they were refreshed. Their skin were soft and QQ now.
Next after the luxurious spa treatment, they were put in the sauna (frying pan) with buttttterrrrrr. Being in the hot pan for another 5mins, finally they were taken out and rested nicely on a white circular plate.
Next, Ken started to cook scrambled eggs. He added alil milk and butter and cook it slowly under low fire. The egg actually curdles and slowly dries up into soft, delicious scrambled eggs.
The skin is so juicyyyyyy with all the oil spurting when u bite ur teeth into it. AND THE MEAT OMGGGGG..... The tenderness, the texture, the taste.... Heavenly man..... AND THE EGG! Slippery, add alil pepper, the taste. AH..... AMERICAN BREAKFAST :D
Here is 2 nice photos of Frank and Scramby.

We ate Frank's cousins the previous nite for supper. They r simply BON APPETIT!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
3:25 AM
Kinda screwed up my FOM. Guess even when one do his best, without a good teacher's help, it's still not good enough. My PACC probably will also suffer the same fate.
I've been reading on past posts and pictures and recalling the past. I realised I was a much happier and funnier person. Irony isn't it, when u wanna be mature ur just that childish. But when ur finally mature, u just wish u had that childishness in u. After so long, I realised my true friends r very few. I guess the best and most trustworthy friends would be Haziq and Lutfi. I thought I would liked my new class and that it would be better than my sec's. But it seems I'm wrong. I dun even noe wat my new class' characters r like. They r so full of mysteries and faces. Feels as if they might stab ur back any moment when ur not noticing. Man, I miss 4N. Those were the days, mugging for O lvls, but yet still enjoying and savoring every moment of it.
I used to be so sure of myself, sure of everything. There was this utmost confidence in me. But now, I dunno wat's true or false anymore. I dun even noe who I am or who to trust. My confidence is shattered.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
1:40 AM
Whole family's overseas. They went for relaxation and enjoyment while leaving me behind to study for my exams. Although I hardly ever step out of my room. I feel that when I'm alone at home, that loneliness is indescribable. It took to a whole new lvl.
There r so many chapters to study for Marketing, but I am unable to complete all by Monday. I dun like people when they have decided and confirmed on going to study. But one by one, they gave excuses. I am going to fail every exam except for Econs probably.
I'm breaking down, I'm too tired to do anymore, my motivation has waned. I'm down on studies, mood, love and life. Lonely....
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
7:11 PM
Today Henry, Yq and Jamie are supposed to come and study. Then dunno I wake up alrdy that bastard Henry say ps, need accompany mom go ICA do simi IC and get wat voucher. So came only Yq and Jamie. Then I went to interchange and fetch them. So since we haven't ate lunch, we went to JP to buy food. So they bought subway, and I bought Mac. Then we do do do study study study talk talk talk. Damn boring I tell u. So when we finishing, Yq and me played alil Audi b4 they go off. That's where the exciting part begins.
1st round, I won her easily (as usual =x)
2nd round, played thai song 80bpm, I lose ( as usual -.-)
3rd round, Jamie supposed to play but she die die also dun wan. They then start to erm eh.... rape each other? I dunno lols. Then I say I give Jamie chance and I do one hand. But she still dun wan. So Yq played with me. Won with 1 hand.
4th round, she tell me off sound. So I played no sound, one hand, 150 bpm _|_ (But I still won :D)
5th round, we played 80bpm thai song agn _|_. But this time my disadvantage is pure extreme. Left hand, i hate that song, sit on floor, no sound, hear only her echo. So I was doing well, nearly win her, then she ate viagra so hiong go chain x6. So I lost her in thai song agn ( as usual )
So now we noe wat's her standard compared to me alrdy. She is on par with me, when I use 1 hand, no sound, sit on floor, with fast spd.
So in conclusion: Yq's a noob =x
Wat else.... So overall today's a boring day.
P.S: I wanna work at Macs, I wan the tag :D
Monday, August 11, 2008
8:47 PM
A failed relationship is just like an injection u see. If u stick the damn needle into ur flesh for so long and so slowly, it's gonna hurt like fk. So why not faster inject, faster pull out. It's gonna be extra painful, but at least it's finished. And wat's after injection? An immunity, and that immunity will be urs.
Sounds cool and deep right? Quoted by me =x
Sunday, August 10, 2008
6:56 PM
So happy on Friday. Finally got married with Evirion in Audi. It was such a trouble to find people to help out with my proposal plan lols. My target was around 4 servers-full of people which is around.... 400 ppl? Kinda impossible so I reduced to 60 people. But still it was too difficult to find. But fortunately thx to Ken, Yq, Ikki, Taka. They helped me found quite a no. of ppl. 20+ if I am not mistaken. These r some of the wonderful photos of our wedding :D
My flooded chn full of "WILL U MARRY JODEI"

It was near perfect. 8 hearts on 080808. I just had 1min of lag at the start .__.

Finally our long awaited ring. <333 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

Our next game with guests. 24 hearts baby xD

Our very first 3 cpl pts with much more to come.

It takes 1 second to meet
2 song to couple
3 weeks to wedding &
4 ever to be with..
Omg... So touching and sweet. Written by Evi <33
Friday, August 8, 2008
7:43 PM
I went to get another haircut today. That's 2 haircut in 1 week. I haven't cut my hair in like 8 mths and now it's back to short short short. FK. I so darn hate my dad now. I just dun get it. I have way better grades than others. I dun mix around with bad company. I dun smoke, drink, gamble or anything. I'm just a pure good person. But wtf does my dad impose so much law on me? I'm so damn pissed. Had a huge quarrel with my mom, ending with her saying she should have just aborted me last time. I hope my parents just die off and leave me all their fortune. I dun believe I cannot survive without them.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
10:29 PM
Fking cb -.- My new hair is a total disaster. If only my dad hadn't keep forcing me to go cut hair. Due to my regular hairstylist's full appointment, I had to settle with his apprentice. He fking did a horrible job. Now I have to spend another 20 bucks just to trim it. It's horribly short alrdy and now it's gonna get shorter. Fk the apprentice, fk my dad. Hope both of them dies. Hope my fking dad dies and leave all his fortune to me. Bitch -.-
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
1:41 AM
I dunno why but Mr Alex Lum seems to think I'm complacent or something. He seems to dislike me or sort. It ain't my fault if I can't get higher. I did my best and this is the highest I can go. I hate the fact when I put in 100% effort, and still get lower than ppl. They can afford to only put in 80% or even lower and still win me. Fk the bitch who got 98. Hope she dies in an accident. Oh, and one more thing. Majority of Singaporeans r totally inconsiderate. I took MRT for the first time today with my cast. But apparently no one let their seats to me. FK U SINGAPOREANS.
Friday, August 1, 2008
11:00 PM
After a few days of sadness, dunno why am I so high and happy today. Felt as if I had drugs or something. Did alot of dumb things today. I started singing in lecture theater just like Henry during PACC. I spoke damn loud abt Terence and Huijun when he's damn close. I spoke damn loud too abt Lucy when her bf(?) WAS EVEN CLOSER. Oh and the dumbest part. I dunno wat prompt me or influence me to ask. But I actually asked DBA12 abt this girl in their class.
Me: Ur class got this girl damn cute one, short short, thin. No specs, looks like jap and her hair is heart shape one.
Them: Eh... (interrupted by Ms Sharon Tan, she says: Valerie? Oh, Cheng Qing ah?)
Them: Yaya, Cheng Qing. Lol u like her ah?
Sharon Tan: Heard she's joining Ms SP right?
Them: Ya, but she got alot of zhui qiu zhe leh (suitors)
Me: wah.... sian....
Them: there *points at one guy infront* He is one of them. He's interested in her also.
Me: Ya lor.... His face got 2 words. Qian Bian. LOL
Them: So u wan her email?
Me: Ah? Dun wan la, stranger add her very weird leh.
Them: Oh she got twin btw, in Life Science.
Me: WAH!
The girls: Not bad leh, this one fail, can target sister also.
Me (face the ceiling and spoke in awe): Damn, she super cute sia.....
Normally I wouldn't even dare to ask them regarding anything. But dunno which screw was loose in my head. Well at least I noe her name. But waittttt..... I THOUGHT I noe her name. But her name is not Cheng Qing. I find abt nearly 800 results of blog and friendster still cannot find her _|_ Then I start from square 1 and looked for her classmates instead. So I found someone from DBA06, then found someone from DBA12, then finally her. But her name IS CHENG YUN. DOTS. I also found her twin's blog and friendster. OMG DOUBLE THE CUTENESS AND SWEETNESS HOLY SHYT.....
Finally I did something really really stupid. I forgot to use my Firefox to view their friendster which is an anonymous acc. INSTEAD I GO USE MY INTERNET EXPLORER TO VIEW HER WHICH IS MY FRIENDSTER ACC. So now she noes my presence. Or rather, she sees my ulti O.O friendster pri photo (mine is private profile). She's so gonna be disappointed if she ever sees me in sch since friendster de Josh = Woots. Reality de Josh = _|_
OH and just in case u were wondering wat O.O pic I was referring to..... It's.....

It sure doesn't look like me. =/