Dun be so sian, I noe alot of things r not going well for u.... But try and relax.... I noe ur feeling very down and moodless, maybe alil stressed out too from ur exams.
I dunno how I can help u at all, even though u wun tell me either. But I wanna let u noe, I'm right here, if there is anything at all, I'm just a phone call away....
And then I'll be right where u r...
Dun keep thinking that ur just some nobody... Because ur not.... To me, and probably to many others too, ur the very special, unique girl.
You make our days with ur smile and laughter, ur carefree attitude and fun nature.
And to me, u cheer me up when I'm down. Ur presence alone make me happy, and ur smile and laughter, just bring life back to me....
I miss my happy, cheerful. fun and utmost retarded dear... Not the sad one...
So... Can u bring her back to me? And tell her that I love her very much....
Smile my love~
Now back to project.... Arghh...
12:14 AM
Ok I'm bored.... So I shall write a realllllly corny love phrase LOL
Between the letter I and U are 11 other letters
But I can only see 1 letter for us
That is L for Love~
LOL!!!! *goosebumps*
Ok going back to slp agn *snore* z z z z z
Friday, May 29, 2009
5:15 PM
Now stoning away in NYP. Why am I doing so?
Good qns.... Cos I have nth to do, sch ended at 3pm. I dun wanna go home then come out agn to meet dear.
So decided to tripped down to NYP and wait for her instead while she does her project with her grp.
Her sch is rather big and have escalators o.o (I thought it was small sized, rundown and crappy)
Note: Her grp has a hmmmm.... Weird.... Person LOL. Looks nerdy, dorky, and etc etc =x (oooops)
P.S I'm like always waiting for her tsk tsk......
Quoted by her....
If it's by me.... "Always late, that retarded air-head" :DDDD
1:18 PM
Now in my GEMs class.... Charting for Financial Market....DAMN BORING.... I'm typing this to keep myself awake, cos he is singing his usual weekly lullaby agn x.xLower high.... Higher low.... Bar no bar.... DUN UNDERSTAND T_TSigh....
Thursday, May 28, 2009
11:10 PM
Finally completed the surprise :D
Dear dear is gonna have to wait 1 whole mth to noe =x
6:39 PM
Ytd went to dear's house to study. Actually is study in SK library, but end up no space....
So we decided to buy a multi-pin plug then share the library plug with others. But this damn cheena woman..... She say wat laptop no batt, so cannot plug out. Can't she just save and close -.-
So wasted 4 bucks to buy that plug lols. End up we had no other place to study so went to her house instead. Slacked "awhile" b4 starting to study...
Teaching her is damn fun... Why? Cos u get to teach and shoot her at the same time :D
10% of 40,000 = 400.... LOL!!!! Tsk tsk....
But dunno since when, my stomach started to hurt alot.... Then it was getting worse x.x So we guess must be I too hungry, gastric pain ba... It was 9+ going to 10 liao....
Went to eat at KFC then sent her back... And I went home =/ (I always hate that part of the day)
Oh!!! And today got back Cost Accounting result..... I was rather surprised o.o
P.S Dear.... Dun be stressed ok? I noe ur feeling very stressed out especially exam period.... But if u need help or anything at all, I'm always here for u... Jyjy and I love u <3
Monday, May 25, 2009
10:36 PM
Had my Financial Accounting paper today. Looks like another A fly~~~~
Now left with Taxation project..... That one is.... ARGHHHHH x.x
9:05 PM
Webcammed with dear ytd and currently LOL.
Took some nice/funny/candid pics
Here r some of them.... Dun wry dear, the more unglam ones I nvr put up =x (Or should I? LOL)
Looks like siao zha bor LOL

Sad sad ):

Happy Happy :D (thou I dunno why I look so eh... dao o.o)


I use Sunsilk Shampoo~! Smellllssss gooooood~~~

Yo... Do I look cool or wat?

LOL <3
LOL <3
I miss dear, but at least can accompany each other without being beside each other LOL. Thank god for technology =x
Sunday, May 24, 2009
4:35 PM
Dear just sent me this email....But she had told me abt this before, and I thought it was interesting and erm... Quite touching?
Why a wedding ring is always put on the fourth finger?
Follow the steps below, really god made this miracle
Centre finger bend and put the rest of the 4 fingers tips to tips....
Try to open ur thumbs, the thumbs represent parents, it can be opened cos all humans do go thru sickness and die. Which is why our parents will leave us one day...
Now close ur thumbs, and open ur second finger. The fingers represent brothers and sisters, they do have their own families which is why they will leave us too....
Next close ur second fingers and open up ur little fingers. They represent ur children. Sooner or ltr, they too will leave us for they have their own living and family of their own...
Nevertheless, close ur little fingers and try to open ur fourth fingers - the wedding ring fingers. You would be surprised to find that it cannot be opened at all, because they represent ur partner - husband and wife, which whom you will be attached to for this whole life!!!! :D
Real love will stick together forever and ever
P.S I wish me and dear would really stick tgt too... I love u <3
Saturday, May 23, 2009
10:59 PM
Taxation project is wheewwwwww difficult.....
Only managed to find a factor to prove less likely to be in trading -.-
1 out of 6 to 8 factors? x.x
Dear dear isn't slping much these few days.... Can see she is tired.... And she just had gastric pain and headache.... Poor thing...
I see a rainbow after the heavy rain~
She's studying so hard.... Hope she gets good result! And I'll do the same for u :D
Get well soon and rest well~
P.S Thank you dear....
11:45 AM
Cost Accounting test was quite easy... But due to my carelessness, I think I lost my A....
Now left with Financial Accounting paper and Taxation project.... I'm nvr strong in my accounting background, therefore it's gonna be rather difficult for me....
I truly regret wat I did....
As for Taxation project, the entire case study is difficult as it is... But to make things worse, I just seem to find the answer... And yet I have to come out with 1200 words...
I nvr thought a relationship would be this dangerous....
Ytd went out with Kelly, finally got to meet her.... Missed her very much....
And now that I hurt u.... U felt afraid...
As usual, walked around aimlessly.... There wasn't a suitable time for Angels & Demons due to the late timing and she has to be home early....
And dunno if it's just me or have u started feeling cold towards me....
Everywhere was packed, maybe due to Friday nite.... So we settled dinner at Mos Burger....
But I dun blame u.... It was my fault....
Continued to walk.... Until time was up, then had to send her back... Wun get to see her until next week agn....
I'm sry... And inside me, I still feel very bitter abt it....
P.S I miss u...
And I dunno how to stop that bitter feeling....
12:12 AM
Disappointed with myself.... I'm very sorry....
Thursday, May 21, 2009
10:14 PM
Hmm.... Tiring day today. And oh! I managed to not eat anything in sch today until dinner :D
Diet regime full throttle!!!!
Went home damn tired le, study abit then fell aslp.... Then had a horrible nitemare....
Sigh... Hope it's nth at all....
Tml is test le, Cost Accounting.... Finish studying but prob is right, there is so little to study until I scared I missed out stuff LOL.
Funny how things work.... If too much to study, end up complain cannot finish studying or cramping everything into the head.... If too little to study, end up scared missed out stuff or sort....
Therefore I conclude: No test is the best :D
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
9:03 PM
Tests r coming soon.
But kinda prepared alrdy. So ya....
But still not much confidence... Cos nvr had such papers b4....
Arghhh... Sian....
I miss u dear.....
Monday, May 18, 2009
11:21 PM
Went out ytd to study with Kelly (I'm guai ok!!!! :D)
Went to the Macs beside Raffles Hotel Arcade, but it was damn packed x.x So walked back to City Hall and to Marina Sq and studied at Yoshinoya instead. Yoshinoya is nvr full one leh.... Singaporeans dun like Jap fastfood? o.o
Study until 8+ then we walked off to Douby Ghaut and since I had a very early dinner, I was too hungry and ended up eating KFC (Fei si wo....) Then took MRT to SK.
While walking back home, we kept reciting tongue twisters LOL. But I suck at it seriously.....
Red Lolly Yellow Lolly..... Peter picked a peck of pickled pepper (then next line I tongue-tied and died LOL)
But cos we were thinking why F dun have tongue twisters, so we decided to come up with one :D
Fucking Francis Fought with a Fucking Fish
The Fucking Fish Fought back with Fucking Francis
Fucking Fish Fucked Fucking Francis
Francis got Fooked by the Fucker Fish :D
Oh yea, and saw dear's mom b4 heading back home... She told dear I was chubby chubby T_T
Me & Dear

Playing sneezies LOL
I'm so hardworking lor :D
Hmm.... Fk u...... LOL
She go put the cam right infront of my face while I'm eating, of cos I shocked la!!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
6:10 PM
LOLOLOLOLOL. Today when I was coming back home, some crap happened on the bus. I was feeling kinda tired, then abt to fall aslp, when the 3 guys sitting behind me started talking....
It's a topic and something which u dun hear or expect to hear at such a time of the day, at such place.
Man 1: Hey hey, how many hardcore u have?
Man 2: Eh... Dunno leh, I got it from supplier one, now haven't sell out...
Man 3: Why? I thought u sold all alrdy?
Man 2: No la... Softcore sold finish. But now on standby.... Hardcore cannot sell yet...
Man 1: Then u have alot left ah?
Man 2: Ya, I have abt....
Man 3 (cuts in): U have 3, 4 lorries of it.
Man 2: Oh yaaa... Somemore I at home also have.
Etc etc.....
I was like WTH? Am I hearing things or wat? LOL!!!!!!!!! Then they alight one stop b4 me.... I felt like asking them, "Hey, got some to sell to me anot?" LOL..... Maybe they talking abt something else ba....
But for all I noe, true or not true, it definitely sounded damn wrong.....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
9:37 PM
Ytd went out after sch to meet Kelly. So since she wasn't rdy yet, I went to Hougang to wait for her first. Sat in MRT platform for a LONG time (Tsk tsk =x) But is cos her phone didn't receive my sms, see la! Ur phone die alrdy.....
Finally she came down and we went to City Hall. Walked to Marina Sq and since it was rather early for dinner, we decided to see wat movie was available. Got our tickets and went to eat and slack at Yoshinoya. She consficated my phone agn T_T
Then we went and watch the movie le - Star Trek. It is very nice actually, funny and has a good plot. One of the funniest part would be when Scott and Jim got beamed into Enterprise. Jim succeessfully got beamed in, but Scott.... Not so lucky =x He got beamed into the water pipe LOL
But poor dear felt cold thru out the movie =/ OH AND SPEAKING OF WHICH, I bought a cup of milo for her cos she felt cold... But the milo taste like water..... Still ok u noe, BUT FOOK, IT'S $2.50 LOL. Paid so much for a cup of hot water, of cos dear was agitated =x
So end of movie we bought Hot Chocolate and hurried out of the mall. Then for the first time... I realised.... Dear is petty.... and pouty.... a piggy.... LOL!!! She kept ignoring me and pouting cos I kept laughing at her =x
After resting awhile we walked around and to Douby Ghaut, we just love walking....
Halfway thru, she pout agn LOL. But it was getting quite late, so sent her back home... She kept playing Ahchoo in the MRT =x
Finally sent her back home, had to go home too.... Sad.... I always hate the end of days.... Miss u very much dear... Friday come faster plssssssss~
P.S Like u said, I did change.... I just love you more and more each day... <3
2:05 PM
Arghhh... Fell sick today -.-
Missed my BLaw tutorial.... Die....
Monday, May 11, 2009
6:23 PM
Yea and the ROM pictures r out!!! My sis looks lovely, my bro-in-law looks handsome.... And I look princely~ LOL (Ok shut up... Dun comment....)

Exchange of vows and rings

You may kiss the bride :D

My cute nephew, lovely sisters and *cough* Myself LOL

Lovely Couples~

Wish they have a everlasting marriage :D
Saturday, May 9, 2009
8:50 PM
Just now had an evening nap, but woke up at 8pm not cause of wake up call, but a horror nitemare -.-
First I dreamt I was in this mrt, then I alighted at some station. I was on the platform abt to go down, when suddenly another mrt was coming from the opposite side and enter the platform too. But the mrt was entering wrong lane and crash into the mrt I just alighted from.
The force pushed the mrt backwards and the entire thing capsize and exploded. I just saw hundreds of ppl die and burn infront of me -.-
Then dunno why change scene and I going home with my teacher. Then both of us entered the lift and when the door is abt to close, an old man carrying a walking stick entered too....
We pressed 11, but dunno wat the old man pressed. Then halfway thru, dunno wat happen, my teacher vanished. HE WASN'T IN THE LIFT ANYMORE. I thought the old man looked more like a ghost but end up is my teacher?
Then the old man looked at me and said something I can't rmb much, "....Sometimes we would crossover to the other world without realising it....." I was stunned. Then the oldman exited at 11 floor.
I hurried and press 1st floor. Then it was going down and down... Until I realise.... No matter how long I waited and the lift continued to descend, the lift still shows 5th floor... Then I just back away and stood at the corner of the lift and slipped down and fold myself.
Then I was closing my eyes, and after awhile I peeked from my eyes and saw a few legs infront of me.... I was stuck in the damn lift with a few ghosts.....
Then I woke up.... FKING NITEMARE....
2:34 PM
Awww.... Sad.... Bored....
I wanna watch Angels and Demons, 14 May :D
m'i os derob i dediced ot od siht, ees fi uoy nac rehpiced siht x=Looks like some foreign language....
I'm so bored I decided to do this, see if you can decipher it =x
1:13 AM
Today went to Airport, supposed to study with Kelly. But that lazy pig dun wanna study (actually I also dun wanna =x) So end up we just went to Airport to eat Macs LOL.
Then since Airport nth to do, we decided to go town walk walk as usual. But we looked at the map and dunno where to go, but since we nvr walked b4 Chinatown, ok lor, choose that one.
But Chinatown is..... BORING. Nth there at all, not even nice to walk.... So we walked towards Raffles Place, past by China Square (Miss my mom =/) and got her her favourite Milk Tea. THEN THE FUNNY PART HAPPENED.
Cos it was a rather big cup, she can't finish, so wan to share with me. But I only drank very lil. So she pouted her lips and said: Drink leh!!! I dun wanna BLOATTTTburrrrrr~ LOL She dunno do wat go blow her lips HAHAHAHAHAHA
We continued to walk to City Hall (we walked the same path so many times le x.x) Bumped into Yiying at Esplanade, apparently she going drinking. But nah... I wun drink, Kelly is underage (xmm) wahahaha =x.
Then sat down at Marina Sq, talk talk talk. But today her bad day.... Her phone died on her =x
So it was 10+, so send her back home.... While on the train, we kept playing this game called Sneezies. Trying to beat each other's record LOL. End up we play tgt and got the highest score :D
Before we realised it, it was 11.40 le.... Sigh... Time really flies when ur enjoying and spending time with loved one..... So walked halfway dunno why suddenly I had this sour-painful feeling at my abdomen.... Getting worse and worse.... Sent her back home and went home.....
P.S It's still very painful.... And no it's not menses.... LOL.... And dear, I really wish I can spend more time with u.... I love u <3
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
5:35 PM
Argh.... Dunno why just now felt damn sick. Had this HUGE headache that goes BOOM BOOM BOOM in my head like partying -.-
Then dunno is it me or am I going crazy, keep hearing whispers in my head also. Freaky.... Somemore the whispers is getting faster and faster then like when having fever, ur dreams accelerates and u woke up breaking into cold sweats. Ya something like that feeling z z z
Now still feeling alil dizzy and headache.... Ji dan.....
11:11 AM
Ok I shall post up Ken's birthday lols (sry for the delay =x)
On May 4th 2009.... Our beloved Ken.... aka Flying Pig.... Turned 19 :D (Thou he still insist he is 13 LOL)
We went to EastPoint at Simei to celebrate his bday with another grp of friends of his - Ben, Han chiew, zi something, Karen and Liling(?)
Ate dinner at this place called 18 Chefs, but I only saw 5 ppl leh..... Maybe 13 chefs died =x
After eating we went to the void decks beside EastPoint to find a place to cut his cake. But there r no seats, so Ben just heck care suggest we sit down somewhere and cut lol.
So we opened the cake, lit the candles and he made his 3 wishes (last being World Peace LOL). Then the fun part occurred :D
Cos we wanted him to use his teeth and take out the candles, but common sense told him it's not advisable to do so especially when there r assh0les like us surrounding him >D
But too bad, he gave in and did so....
Yiying very nice, push his head alil to the cake, so not much la.... But I wasn't being too nice WAHAHAHA. I grabbed his head and smashed it totally flat in into the cake LOL
Thus.... The beautiful cake was totally smashed (His head is so big, that the entire cake was destroyed....)
Retarded! How old liao, still do this... Tsk... LOL

The Beauty and the Pig (Cake and Ken LOL)
This is a damn nice pic LOL
Watch out.... He's gonna throw the cake at us x.x
Finally, the cutting of the cake (Rephrase: wat remains of the cake)
P.S My poor dear is having jaw ache and headache x.x She says it's wisdom tooth, but... She have wisdom meh? o.o LOL
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
12:29 AM
Ah..... I'm still having flu..... Let's hope it's not Swine Flu LOL
I dun wanna be the 1st case of Swine Fly in SG =x
*Ah-Chooo*~ x.x
P.S I can't believe I dedicated my 100th post to a flu..... Fook....
Monday, May 4, 2009
1:16 PM
Ok since the prev post was kinda long I seperated them into 2 LOL. Procrastination ends up causing me to write a longgggg post x.x
Ytd went out with Kelly, met at City Hall. Then walked towards Marina Sq (out of habit) Then realised we r supposed to go out to Raffles City to walk to Douby Ghaut. LOL
So since we walked to Marina Sq, we walked to Suntec then to some Garden thingy then we got lost (Actually is she got lost.... Tsk tsk) So we continued walking....
Dunno why we walk walk walk, then ended up in Bugis o.o But she mentioned abt this Beancurd store, so we decided to look for it. Walk around and around then end up at Douby Ghaut!!!
She and her retarded luck LOL
Ended up we ate at Sakae outside PS. She ate very little as usual and SHE MADE ME ATE HARD ROCK SALMON SKIN. Felt like eating glass LOL
Oh and she confiscated my phone agn.... Arghhh
After which we continued walking to Orchard but she felt tired le, so only walked to Somerset and sent her back to SK. But cos I freaked her out, saying everytime the lift pass by a lvl, there would be a face by the window..... So end up I accompanied her up LOL
THEN THE FKED UP PART HAPPENED. I was going back down to 1st floor when the lift stopped at 11 floor. Then it was dark and no one was there x.x Scary....
P.S I really enjoyed ur company everytime we go out, even if it's just awhile~ Piggy..... =x
1:04 PM
Ok I was too happy until I forgot to update my blog le... (Ok actually is I lazy =x)
Friday was my sis's ROM. The event was at Rochester Park and had a difficult time getting there, cos the road directory wasn't clear x.x
Then the dinner was Phewwww~ For entree, Crayfish Brisque. It's a thick soup with a strong taste of crayfish and really smooth....
Main course consisted of Pasta, chicken breast meat stuffed with mushroom, and a panfried seabass..... Bon Appetit~
Finally the dessert was a Tiramisu which SIMPLY MELTS in your mouth (~o~)
Ok I'm hungry....
Then on Saturday was the Mentoring Gala and Dedication Dinner. Trained to Yio Chu Kang x.x
Starting was not bad, the dance was cool and the skit was funny. Kai Liang and his "qian bian" sense of humour lols.....
But had to leave halfway....
Friday, May 1, 2009
2:15 PM
Today is a really really really REALLLLLLYYYYY good day :D
Sister is getting married in less than 4 hrs.
The weather is fine.
I feel energetic.
Most of all..... She said yes :DDDDDDDD
I've gotta be the happiest man on earth right now (or maybe just in my own rm to be 100% sure). I just wanna say this agn and agn.....
I love you <3
P.S 010509 double happiness. Memorable~