Sunday, June 28, 2009
4:50 AM
Exam stress has made me say things that r either nonsensical or simply emotional.... x.x
So if I say anything funny to u, pls dun take offense, also dun attempt to slap or pinch me to bring me back to reality....
But one thing that I thought of just, is that I realised ppl r changing around me.... I'm not talking abt physically (thou some ppl did grew horizontally =x) But rather, personality and character-wise....
One of my friends whom I knew, used to be a funny, joking, and simply happy-go-lucky kind of guy.... He studys hard, plays hard, and joked hard.... Nvr was he a bastard in any sense (But an assh0le in every sense LOL)
But recently got in contact with him agn, chatted alil and stuff... But nvr in my wildest dreams, did I expect him to change so much... It's like as if I'm talking to someone whom I nvr knew.... He became much much pervertic, and gave me alot of weird ideas.... -.-
But one thing I couldn't stand, was he became a real ass and has no respect for girls....
Then another good friend of mine.... Somehow he changed too, in a sense or another.... Maybe it was my fault that I was busy with many things and we didn't meet up often, but the last time I met u, somehow u felt different....
I guess it's all part of growing up.... I wonder wat would everyone I knew today be like in few years time.... As much as I hate change, I have to face reality - another life chapter begun.....
To all my friends whom I ever knew, regardless if I forgot u or had lost in touch.... I just wan u to noe, u guys have been part of my life, and I'm really glad I once knew u.... :D
P.S Exam stress has caused me to be alilllll emo
P.S.S I'm supposed to slp now, else dear will scold me too... Heee =x
Saturday, June 27, 2009
2:53 AM
Stressed out and tired...I wish u were here to accompany me.....
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
1:12 AM
Dear came over to my house today...
She's supposed to wake up at 10am, but cos she was too tired, I let her slept until 11... But kept calling and calling, but she couldn't hear her phone -.-
So end up she woke up at 2 and reached BL at 4+ lols...
Went to FairPrice to get a bottle of Alfredo sauce cos the one at home almost finish le.... Then since we are at FairPrice, sun bian buy chips and lollipop =x (I kept forgetting to refill dear's lollipop bottle since.... 1 mth ago? LOL)
Buy liao, went back home and rested awhile... OH! And cos my toilet door is always closed with/without ppl, so when dear wanted to use the toilet, she asked me to open the door for her.... But all I did was smile and she thought inside got something LOLOLOL!!!! So paranoid....
Then quite hungry liao, so start cooking!!! Dear wanted to help out so yea :D
U wanna noe the ingredients? TOO BAD DUN TELL U WAHAHAHAH~ My secret recipe =x
It tasted good, but sadly, I have no idea how to remove the cheesy smell.... So it's something like... Italian Durian? o.o
So we ate and watched Ghost of Girlfriend's Past at the same time.... Funny show, but the guy damnnnn bastard.... If I end up like him, dear will slaughter me LOL x.x
So by the time we finished the show, it was 9 le.... So played audi for awhile then sent her back and came home....
Hope u had fun and enjoyed the.... Yea I still haven't give a name to the spaggetti.... Alfrelognise? LOL
Next time u shall cook for me liao =x (Just dun burn down ur kitchen....)
Monday, June 22, 2009
7:18 PM
Hmm... Have been studying whole day long....
Trying to stuff everything into my brain.... Currently cramping Fundamentals of Finance....
Actual Returns.... Pro Forma.... Agency Issue....Time Value....
Omg..... Information overload man...
Also kept thinking abt other things.... Sigh... Lack of motivation and mood, really bad combination at a time like this....
Oh and 2 days ago, watched Drag Me to Hell with dear....
Haven't watched horror since dunno when alrdy.... Not bad the movie.... But the scary thing wasn't the ghost, it was the horrible drooling ahma who/which kept poofing out of nowhere and... "BOOM! HERE-I-AM" kinda thing....
Then whenever scary part coming, dear would cover her eyes lol.... But when it's a sudden, unexpected BOOM, she would grab my hand damn tightly LOL
Then the girl behind us kept screaming and screaming.... she said something which I laughed...
"Bi.... I scared scared...." HAHAHA
But dear didn't scream.... No fun....
K la.... Back to studying.... Really feeling very bored and moodless right now....
Friday, June 19, 2009
9:55 AM
Wed was a longggggg day....
Woke up early and went to dear's house to fetch her, but cos everyone was abit delayed (3 ppl woke up late lor =x) end up we met at East Coast at 12pm
So we walked around looking for a good spot to pitch our huge 8-person tent, and viola, a shade under a tree :D
But due to the tent being unused for a long time, it has accumulated some blue peel thingys that kept dropping into our food and body x.x
We prepared alot of food, in fact alil too much until cannot finish =x Got sushi, bee hoon, egg mayo, chicken mayo, potato salad, chicken wrap, but the mosttttt amt brought and left are the 3 boxes (or was it 4?) of fruits consisting Kiwi, honeydew, watermelon and grapes x.x
Halfway thru, their friend came by and joined us - Norman.
So all except Norman went to rent roller blades and bicycles. Wx, Yen, Yy and dear rented blades while me and Ken rented bicycles.... Sad, cannot get to see a pig on blades LOL
But cos dear dunno how to roller blade, so end up I held her thru... She fell down a total of 3 times =x But lucky I was there to hold her, so she didn't hurt her bum (But I sprained my leg alil x.x)
Usually ppl would be inclined to fall on their knees, but Yen always fell backwards unto her bum... Why? Cos her butt too big, CG shifted to the back =x LOLOLOLOL
Then went back to our tent and rested awhile then me and dear rode the bicycles instead...
Finally it was nite time le, so we showered and packed up.... Ate dinner at Macs then went off le... Sent dear home first, and since it was too late to go home, I took 27 to Ken's house to slpover (Norman was there too)
Slpt until 12pm then went home and ate Brunch then slpt agn until 4pm and went to Marina Sq to meet dear for movie.... But cos I was alil late (Heh sry =x) So end up couldn't watch "Drag Me to Hell".... So we watched "I love u, Man" instead....
After that we ate at Pizza Hut and went home after that....
Wahhhh.... Wat a long post x.x
2 days mah... Wat u expect lol....
Monday, June 15, 2009
7:26 PM
Fook.... I sprained my leg when I woke up this morning....
Yeaaaa, the fractured leg from b4... Old wound old wound.... LOL
Damn pain x.x
Friday, June 12, 2009
11:28 PM
Bored... Currently waiting for dear to online in msn in HK... LOL!!!
It feels kinda weird my HP nvr rang even once in the entire day nor did my msn alert me of chats.... Kept thinking abt it and realised, I dun have many much friends actually.... x.x
Have a few really good ones thou.... U noe who u r~!!! :D
Hmmm.... Wish some ppl would msg me occasionally to maybe chat or simply say hi.... Would make my day =/
Now another internet bill came.... Ahh.... I'm saving for Sims3.... I guess I'm unable to buy it ardy, shall wait for DL and crack then....
Oh!!! I forgot, I've known Ken for around 1years+ and I realised I nvr knew wat he was afraid of o.o But, ytd when I was staying over at his place, I had the laugh of the nite....
He could have been afraid of the dark, drowning, horror movies, spiders, cockroaches etc etc... The normal and usual ones.... BUT HE IS ACTUALLY AFRAID OF MOTHS O.O!!!
Should have seen his reaction then, it's like Superman against Kryptonite.... Or rather, Flyingpig against Moth-tonite LOL =x
P.S Been thinking abt u (and Sims3) whole day long...
8:07 AM
Just sent dear off at Airport... Hmmm.... Where to begin?
Ytd met Ken and Yen for dinner at Bedok 85 market at around 6.45pm. We ordered alot of stuff... Sambal stingray, sambal sotong, frog leg porridge, lala and elmos worlds~ (Ok, maybe not the elmos world....)
It was fulfilling, ok in other words.... Sinful..... x.x
So after that we went Century Sq to walk around, then Ken and Yen went home, while I bused to SK to accompany dear for awhile....
Then after that went back to Ken's place and slacked around, played around, and eat around x.x (Fei si wo....) Until it was 3.45am, I showered and went Airport....
While they were waiting to check in, dear and I went T1 and T2 to look for clip/pin/hook.... But we thought of alllllll sorts of crap.... LOL
At 6.00am, they checked in and I trained home....
Sigh.... It's only been awhile and I'm starting to miss u alrdy.... Kept looking at my HP thou I noe it wun show ur name when it rings.... Alil not used to it =/
But regardless, safe trip and have fun in HK dear :D Rmb to take lots of pics too!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
2:30 PM
Sad... Dear is gonna fly tml.... *flap flap*
Gonna have dinner with Ken and Yen (Wx & Yy going clubbing) at Bedok 85 ltr.... Then gonna stay overnite at Ken's place lol....
It started with me in the hospital (dunno wat reason) and dear came to visit me.... But duno wat happen, she suddenly gone crazy and tried to kill me.... x.x
So I kept running and running from 1 ward to another.... Then I took the stairs down to 1st floor but on the way, I saw Henry LOL(?).... So I told him wat happen then he ran with me....
Went into a carpark to hide, but dear managed to find us and she chased after us.... We r on foot, while she's on a bicycle.... UNFAIR!!!! Then we running towards some HDB flats when she suddenly fell down....
She tried to kill me, but dunno why I still went back to her.... Then as I held her up, she grabbed me and used a nail-clipper and cut my thumb x.x Bleed bleed bleed bleed~
Then she took out a screwdriver and tried to stab my eye X.X!!!! Holy shyt....
Then I woke up.... Game over.... Moral of story (dream): Dun mess with girls.... They do terrible stuff when they go crazy.... Siao zha bors.... LOL
P.S I WAN SIMS 3!!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
5:08 PM
Hmmm.... Boring day....
Couldn't slept at all last nite... Lied on my bed until 4am still cannot slp x.x So I sat on my bed and just stare air, next moment I knew it was 6am alrdy o.o (Think I fell aslp without noeing....)
So gave many many morning calls to dear b4 she woke up.... Then finally i'm able to slp....
Woke up around 1pm and laze around..... Jinhao asked me to dota so ok lor, dota ba.... Starting got slaughtered abit.... But turn of tides, we won :D
2.43pm liao, gave wake up call agn, but cos she set silent.... End up called until 4pm then finally she woke up and called back....
Wanted to go for the buffet with Henry, Ken, Sam, Jinhao and others for dinner, but nah.... Dear studying, so I shall accompany her instead.... Next time ba guys, heh =x
Wat a day.... Dun u think it's very mundane? Yea I think it does.... Then now dunno wat happen, feel as if she is pissed o.o
3 more days =/
P.S Throat's better and flu's gone.... (But like wat the Terminator always say.... "I'll be back".... Damn....)
Monday, June 8, 2009
3:33 PM
Having sorethroat and flu agn -.-
Fk it....
Sunday, June 7, 2009
5:15 PM
Currently at dear's house, accompanying her study... Though she no mood to study =/
Anyway I'll tell u wat happen on my journey from BL to SK....
First I took the train then halfway at Commonwealth station, a horrible stench came.... I was thinking, "Wth... The person beside me ate something wrong or wat... Keep farting non stop..." LOL
But suddenly everyone in the cabin started to evacuate from the middle to the sides. Then out of nowhere, in the middle of the cabin appeared a pile of SHIT! O.O
Holy shyt!!! LOL... So the train was delayed for alil while then continued on....
Anyway dear wanted to eat pancakes/hotcakes from Macs... But cos she still slping no matter how many times I called... So I bought and brought it to her house instead....
*Edited in the nite*
As usual we slacked around... watch alil anime... and played CS.... U should see her play man....
Usually when enemies surround u (we play only knife rule) the first reaction one would have is just run away and shoot them from afar right? (She cheated.... Use gun while everyone use knives lol =x) BUT.... Nono.... She did the panic method and stood there and moved her camera around in shock while got stabbed to death LOLOLOL!!!!
Then ate dinner with her family and went home soon after....
P.S OH! Btw, it's holidays alrdy :D
Thursday, June 4, 2009
12:31 AM

Today went out to celebrate 1st mth (belated =x) with dear :D
Was supposed to meet at Plaza Sing at 3pm, but of cos due to my exceptional prediction skills and past experiences, that silly dear of mine was gonna be late =x
So met at around 3.35pm. While waiting, bumped into Yuqi, or rather... She bumped into me lol.
So since we missed the 3pm movie for Angels and Demons, we took the 6pm one instead. I think the counter guy too tired or wat, mixed up and repeated our order as "Monster and Demons" instead LOL.... I bet it would have been literally one "hell" of a movie lol.
Then I told her I wanna see something, so I brought her to a ring shop and look around... Then I looked at one pair of ring and said: "Eh... Hey dear, look at that ring o.o Got our names leh!"
So I asked Carol (the shopkeeper) to take out the rings and show us... "Ooh... Got our names and dates leh!!! I think it's fated ba...." LOL (Ok my acting was bad =x But hey! At least dear loves it xD)
Then since there is still alot of time b4 the movie starts, we went to this tou hua shop near Parklane.... Ate and took some pics (One of which is my candid kuku face arghhhh lol) until it was abt 5+ then went back to PS and catch the movie.
The movie is not bad at all... Despite an avg rating. The ending is whheeeewww o.o The effect is NICE LOL. One funny part was when the female physicist tore out the page from the archives LOL
After the movie, wanted to eat at Ma Maison but couldn't get a reservation =/ (Cos I had planned something) So end up we ate Secret Recipe... Ordered the same as we did 2 mths back LOL
Oh then the highlight of the day.... We chat so much until we just walked off from the restaurant without paying!!! LOLOLOLOLOL. But we were down 1 story when the guy chased after us and we paid on the spot instead of going up.... DAMN PS LOR!!!!! x.x
Her mom called and so sent her back home... Then she passed me her gift only after she reached home lols. HER GIFT IS DAMN NICE CAN!!! It was touching until I weeped alil =x
Wanna noe wat she gave me?? Wanna wanna?? Too bad dun show u =x WAHAHAHA
P.S I'm really happy today :D This is only the 1st mth, there is still the 2nd mth, 3rd mth, 1 year, and many many more.... I love u dear <3

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
10:27 AM
Thunderstorm PING PONG PIANG thru out the entire nite.....
How to slp?!?!?!
End up damn tired in the morning and missed BLaw.... -.-
My body is aching~ x.x
12:04 AM
Damn tired... Stayed in sch until 6pm. Then went to Plaza Sing with Wx (Ken that bastard ps us arghh... Lol) to eat dinner and walk arounddddddddd.
Went home did alil tutorial then really feel like slping liao....
*Yawns* I think I'm gonna go bed.... Tml is gonna be a long day (I awaited this day long enough.... AND IT'S FINALLY HERE YESSSSS :DDDD)
Pls let tml be a really good day with good weather, clear skies with bright stars, lesser crowds, nice breeze, and wat else.... OH AND GOOD HAIR DAY TOO LOL =x
P.S Oh and I got this quote from Wx.... DAMN FUNNY.
"Your birth certificate is really just an apology letter from the condom factory...."
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
10:01 AM
Arghh.... Had a bad dream ytd.... Hope it isn't such a case....Test ltr... Jyjy to me....
Dear also test ltr... Jyjy to her....
Everyone else who r having same test as us.... DIE DIE DIE :D Heeeeeee =x
Monday, June 1, 2009
2:17 PM
Ytd went to SK accompany dear study, cos she alone awwwww....So studied until abt 5+ abit sian alrdy, so we walked around. From CompassPt walk to Rivervale Mall... Then wanted to look for Rivervale Plaza but end up in some ulu place o.oDear and her retarded sense of directions..... LOL =xBut luckily we asked for directions and managed to find our way to Rivervale Plaza and eventually, back to CP....Met Ken and Wx for dinner at Sakae.... But dear had to go home for curry.... =/ (I can't ps them to go her house eat either TT) So sent her back halfway then returned to Sakae....Ate damnnnnnnn alot x.x I ate.... Ebi tempura, soft shell crab, 2 chawamushi, lobster salad, and kope abit of here and there =xOverall..... 40 bucks~ WOOOHOOOOO... Broke :D (Why am I smiling? I have no idea.....)It was quite late le, so couldn't do anything else, so trained home.... SK to BL... 1hr+ x.x Watched alil TV... Then slp :DP.S I had a massive huge tremedous holy shyt stomachache at 4am+ all the way until morning 8.... So I missed 2 lessons x.x (I think it's the sushi =x)
12:36 AM
Happy 1st month Dear dear <3
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Love u very much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥