Thursday, July 30, 2009
8:17 PM
Fked up...
Everything is....
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
8:24 PM
Today after sch went home str to study...
Have been studying the entire day with 2 short naps in between..... Really moodless.... Understood most of the things, but still... Not prepared for tml's paper.... Dunno why but I have the feeling of just offing my phone and stay in my rm....
Even my stupid GEMs stocks are dying miserably.... 2nd last in 5 classes.... Fk Bank Of America.... Seriously.... Hope ur shares dropped heavily so at least I can recoup my losses -.-
Then some things happened recently and ain't really happy abt it.... Sian....
P.S I miss u....
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
3:08 PM
Sunday, July 26, 2009
1:55 AM
Today went to dear's place to do project then accompany her...
Supposed to eat breakfast with her, but I woke up late, and she woke up even later.... LOL tsk tsk....
So stayed at her place and completed my project then had lunch at her place instead, some veges, turnip, and alil chicken or was it pork? o.o Anyway it was very homefood.... Really nice :D
Played Sims 3 and slacked around until dinner time then we went to CP for dinner.... Kept laughing and laughing.... SunSun~ =x
Anyway sry I made u alil sian at first, cos I was rather tired.... And I wasn't unhappy to see u.... Infact, seeing u makes me happier than anything (except if I won 1mil lottery)....
So after dinner we walked to the BBall court and sat down and chatted and took pics.... Then after the lights went out, we walked around the neighbourhood and kept laughing.... Laugh until end up she headache x.x!
Literally "xiao dao peng"
Took alot of photos, but most of them r ugly.... x.x (I take good pics of her and ugly of mine, while she takes good pics of me and ugly of her own LOL)
One of our nicer ones =x
Rest well my dear~
Friday, July 24, 2009
8:32 PM
Long time haven't been blogging alrdy....
Been very busy these few days, studying.... Revising.... Etc etc
Nth much to post abt, except from the time interval from the last post to now, have been going out with dear and had a family gathering....
They didn't really noe why I wanted a family gathering.... We promised mom we would still continue to gather and eat meals tgt even after she passed away.... Yea we did for a few weeks and a couple of months.... But soon they stopped coming....
I understand my sis is stressed at work or sorts
Maybe everyone was busy? I dunno....
But I wish she would sometimes look from
Anyway these few days have been studying and doing research for project.... Indeed, very stressed out.... Even it has taken a toll on my body, seemingly weaker and easily tired and out of breath....
my side of story and not jump to conclusions...
To make things worse, my left leg have started to give me problems agn....
Then start screaming at me....
I just wish for comfort, peace, love and support right now.....
P.S Very tired....
Monday, July 13, 2009
6:48 PM
Dear finished sewing the pillow alrdy :D
So I hugged it to slp ytd, but prob is cos it's so small.... whenever I wake up in the middle of the nite, it would disappear under my blanket... LOL!!!
Anyway I named it Kerri =x
The back of Kerri <3

Thanks dear <3
Sunday, July 12, 2009
1:22 AM
Today went to dear's house to celebrate Kelvin's bday :D
So at first meet at CP then bought a sports bottle and an exercise book.... Then went to MOS Burger to wrap up both of them lol...
Then went to her house and passed Kelvin the exercise book... Told him he can use it for his O lvls and jot down notes LOL
But nah.... Not so mean la, passed him his sports bottle cos he wans one.... Then we played Sims3, L4D and slacked around until abt dinner time then ate Pizzas and cut cake....
Dear also passed me my 2nd mth present <3
When I opened I was stunned =x
I was thinking.... Banana? Then after awhile, I thought agn.... Or is it Currypuff? o.o LOLOLOL
But I really love the gift, it's damn cute and I love it very much :D
Oh, and since dear got some cloth and cotton left, she decided to make a small lil pillow for me that supposed to represent her so I wun hug Joanna every nite to slp =x (Joanna is my bolster LOL)
She's still in the process of sewing it.... Hope she can finish earlier so can go slp too.... She has been slping rather late, either for study or making the gift.... Wish she can rest well soon :D
I love u dear.... Not becos of the gift itself, but becos u having no patience... Yet u still spend so much time and effort making the gift for me.... Thank you~
The bday cake :D

See the roses she folded for me? <3
The Banana-flavor Currypuff!!!! LOL

The pillow still amidst of sewing... Sry Joanna =x

She has shakey trotters.... Oops, I mean hands.... LOL =x

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
1:04 AM
Dear's stomach goes: "Euuuooooowwwww~"LOL! She's hungry....
Oh, and everyone suspects I got H1N1....
Cos out of sudden, I started sneezing like mad....
Followed by alil sore-throat
Accompanied by alil fever
And dun really feel so well~
I'm just.... Alil unwell... That's all :D
Monday, July 6, 2009
10:05 PM
Last Friday was nice :D
Ok starting of the day.... Not so nice.... I woke up with a really painful thigh whenever I raise it, and my left ankle was feeling funny agn....
So my plan of joining Ken, Wx, Yen, Yy for cycling/blading is cancelled T_T But joined them for dinner after that :D (thx god I didn't sprain my mouth or something sort LOL)
Before that, went to dear's house first.... Actually supposed to go town, so I wore smart casual while dear wore a dress.... But end up we went Ehub Downtown East =x Sry dear.... Heh...
But u gotta admit it.... Dear looks really beautiful in a dress.... :D *mini-cough*
Went to watch Ice Age 3... It was pretty hilarious, and the 3 baby dinosaurs r DAMN CUTE!!!!
Then after the movie, went to Hong Kong Cafe to meet the usual with their significant ones.... (When they mentioned this phrase, I kinda like it, feels very warm and fuzzy~ Lols....
Haven't met them since awhile, but still as retarded, flying, eeeooooowwwww and crazy as ever LOL!!!!
After that Yen and her friend went off, while the rest of us walked around and to White Sands Macs.... Ken and Yy ate Sundaes.... The rest dun feel like eating lols
Played Tap Tap, chatted, laughed, crapped until 11pm then we all went home.... Sent dear home first and went back home and oink~
P.S It's always nice to have u guys around, especially now some of us have our significant ones.... Hope the rest would find theirs soon too :D I wonder if it would be like in movies where 10 years ltr, we would still gather tgt with our love ones and have lunch or dinner? Lol~
Friday, July 3, 2009
1:03 AM
Whoohoooo! Celebrated 2nd mth with dear on 2 days :D
1st July I came back from sch then studied awhile, then I bluffed dear I needed to go Plaza Sing to pass my classmate something then study with her ALONE.... (Dear's tone changed... Jealous? Maybe... =x)
But fook!!! While studying on the train, it stopped at Buona Vista station for abt 20mins and additional 5mins in subsequent stops.... Some assh0le pranked call, thus delaying the train -.-
Then reached Plaza Sing and bought lightsticks and candles and a stick of Bacon with Asparagus =x Went to Compasspt to meet Ken, then headed over to dear's house downstairs....
Then we started placing the lightsticks and candles on the grass, thinking where to place cos got alot of damn trees blocking LOL.... THEN ALOT OF PPL LOOKING AT US!!! Abit ps.... =x
Then I kept going up then going back down to check.... Then when everything is finally ok, I called dear...
Told her I asked my friend to leave her 2nd mth present on her 10th floor lift area =x Asked her hurry b4 other ppl take.... So she really hurried and rushed down to 10th floor.... But instead of a present, she saw a piece of paper saying: "Look over there ---->"
So she looked out of the corridor and saw this:
LOL!!! Then she was shocked and gave the "WTH R U DOING" ans.... Apparently, I chose alil wrong timing cos her mom was coming back home LOL =x
So she came down and meet me then we cleared up the place then went up to her place for awhile.... She happily ate the Bacon with Asparagus (cos she was craving for it).
After that cos I was hungry, and CP close alrdy, so we went to Buangkok to eat... After that go home le then study for last paper~
Ok back to main pt, after my last paper, went to dear's house while the rest went to Cineleisure to watch movie.... But was abit tired so rested at dear's place first while waiting for rain to stop....
Then after rain stopped, we went to watch Transformers at Cineleisure.... Bumped into Henry they all LOL (we buying tickets, they finished movie) But since we have some time left, we eat early dinner then walked around at Heeren b4 movie starts....
After movie, we walked to Dhoby Ghaut then trained to SK.... But I can only send her there and not her house becos I LOST IN ROCK SCISSORS PAPER!!!! ^&%^$%& LOL
Then trained home~
P.S Thx Ken dude for helping me out :D
P.S.S It's a really longggg post x.x
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
12:01 AM
♥ Happy 2nd Month Dear ♥